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Programmatically: Magento 2 Product Entity

Programmatically: How to create custom Magento checkout fields

Create a new module: Create a new directory for your module in app/code/local and create a etc/module.xml file with the following content:


Replace YourModule_Name with your actual module name.

Create a custom form element: In your module, create a new directory etc/elements and create a PHP file CustomField.php with the following content:

	class YourModule_Name_Model_Form_Element_CustomField extends Mage_Core_Model_Form_Element_Abstract
    public function __construct($attributes = array())
        $this->setLabel('Custom Field');

This code creates a new form element called custom_field with the type text and label Custom Field.

Register the custom form element: In your etc/modules/YourModule_Name.xml file, add the following code:

                        <yourmodule_name_custom_field translate="label" module="yourmodule_name">

This code registers the custom form element in Magento's configuration.

Add the custom field to the checkout form: In your etc/config.xml file, add the following code:

                        <field name="custom_field" formElement="yourmodule_name/custom_field"/>

This code adds the custom field to the checkout_payment_info fieldset.

Display the custom field in the checkout: In your theme's app/design/frontend/yourtheme/template/checkout/form/checkout.phtml file, add the following code:

	echo $this->escapeHtml($this->getLayout()->createBlock('checkout/form_renderer')->setTemplate('yourmodule_name/checkout/form/custom_field.phtml')->toHtml());

Create a new file

app/design/frontend/yourtheme/template/yourmodule_name/checkout/form/custom_field.phtml and add the following code:

	echo $this->getForm()->getElement('custom_field')->getHtml();

This code displays the custom field in the checkout form.

That's it! You have now created a custom checkout field programmatically in Magento.

Here is the complete code:




	class YourModule_Name_Model_Form_Element_CustomField extends Mage_Core_Model_Form_Element_Abstract
    public function __construct($attributes = array())
        $this->setLabel('Custom Field');


                        <yourmodule_name_custom_field translate="label" module="yourmodule_name">


                        <field name="custom_field" formElement="yourmodule_name/custom_field"/>


	echo $this->getForm()->getElement('custom_field')->getHtml()

Remember to replace yourtheme with your actual theme name and yourmodule_name with your actual module name.


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