Programmatically: How to customize Magento's tax calculations
Step 1: Create a custom module
Create a new module in Magento by creating a directory MyCompany/TaxCustomizer in the app/code/local directory. Inside this directory, create a file etc/module.xml with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<description>Custom Tax Calculation Module</description>
Step 2: Create a custom tax class
Create a new file Model/Tax/Calculator.php in the same directory:
namespace MyCompany\TaxCustomizer\Model\Tax;
class Calculator extends Mage_Tax_Model_Calculator
public function calculateTaxAmount(Varien_Object $item, $price, $rate)
// Check if the customer is from USA
if ($item->getCustomer()->getCountryId() == 'US') {
// Apply our custom tax rate of 10%
return $price * $rate * 0.10;
return parent::calculateTaxAmount($item, $price, $rate);
Step 3: Register our custom tax class
Create a file etc/config.xml in the same directory:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Mage_Tax />
Step 4: Clear cache and test
Clear the Magento cache using the command php bin/magento cache:clean and then refresh your browser cache.