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Programmatically: Magento 2 Product Entity

Programmatically: How to use Magento's custom widget form system for custom widget configuration

Step 1: Create a new module

Create a new module with the following structure:


Add the following code to the module.xml file:

	<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<module name="[YourCompany]_[YourModule]" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../app/etc/module.xsd">
			<module name="Mage_Admin" />

Step 2: Create the widget form

Create a new file app/code/local/[YourCompany]/[YourModule]/Block/Adminhtml/Widget/Form.php with the following code:

	class [YourCompany]_[YourModule]_Block_Adminhtml_Widget_Form extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form
    public function __construct()

Step 3: Create the form template

Create a new file app/code/local/[YourCompany]/[YourModule]/frontend/template/widget/form.phtml with the following code:

	/** @var $form Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form */
getElements() as $element): getHtml()

Step 4: Create the widget model

Create a new file app/code/local/[YourCompany]/[YourModule]/Model/Widget.php with the following code:

	class [YourCompany]_[YourModule]_Model_Widget extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
    public function _construct()

Step 5: Register the widget form

Add the following code to app/code/local/[YourCompany]/[YourModule]/etc/config.xml:

	<?xml version="1.0"?>

Step 6: Use the widget form

In your Magento admin panel, navigate to System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Widget. You should see our custom widget form with a submit button. To use the widget form programmatically, you can use the following code:

		$widgetForm = Mage::getBlockSingleton('widget/form');


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